Portable Pesticide Meter
Untuk mengetahui kandungan pestisida Carbamat dan Organophosphate dalam sayuran
Kode :
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Specification :
Items Parameters
- Channel number 8/16
- Inhibitory rate 0?100%
- Absorbance 0?1.6
- Absorbance drift ?0.1%/3min
- Absorbance accuracy ± 1%
- Linear error ± 0.5%
- Repeatability error ± 0.5%
- Inhibitory rate error ± 2%
- Time per test 1?9 min
- Screen Full color 4.3inch (Resolution 480×272)
- Size 300×200×130mm
- Battery 6400mA, work up to 24 hours
Pesticide and detection limit
Pesticide Detection limit (mg/kg)
1 DDVP 0.1
2 Parathion 1.0
3 Phoxim 0.3
4 Methamidohpos 2.0
5 Malathion 4.0
6 Dimethoate 3.0
7 Omethoate 0.8
8 Isofenphos-methyl 5.0
9 Methomyl 0.1
10 Carbosulfan 0.05
11 Dipterex 0.2
12 Carbofuran 0.05
Assesories :
- Manual book versi bahasa Indonesia
- carying case terbuat dari fiber glas
- Sertifikat garansi selama 1 tahun
- Software APHP yang mampu di intal di komputer sebagai data base
- Instrument pesticida meter